
We offer spay and neuter . All surgical services will be by appointment only, with drop off in the morning and pickup the same afternoon/evening, unless otherwise notified. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO PICK UP YOUR PET UNTIL YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT THEY ARE READY. A deposit of $25 is due at the time of scheduling for all appointments.

Please note that we are unable to see emergencies or sick appointments, and do not offer imaging capabilities (x-ray, ultrasound, etc). If you are in need of a full service vet or emergency care, we will be happy to refer you to one of our veterinary partners.

Surgery Prices*

Dog Neuter under 30# $125

Dog Neuter 31-60# $150 Cat Neuter $100

Dog Neuter 61-100# $175 Cat Spay $100

Dog Neuter over 100# $200 Feral Cat Package** $100

Dog Spay under 20# $125 Rabbit Neuter $100

Dog Spay 21-50# $150 Rabbit Spay $125

Dog Spay 51-75# $175 In Heat/Pregnant/Cryptorchid Surcharge $25-75

Dog Spay 76-100# $200

Dog Spay over 100# $250

*All prices are subject to change based on patient condition, presence of parasites, etc. Any pets with evidence of fleas will receive a flea treatment (at a cost of $7-15) prior to surgery for the safety of other pets in the clinic.

**Includes S/N, Rabies Vaccine, single dose of Revolution (1 month duration), and ear tip. Feral cats MUST come in a live trap, and will receive an ear tip to mark them as altered. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you do not have a trap, feel free to rent one from us for a $20 fee, refundable upon return of the trap.

Vaccine/Test Pricing

Rabies vaccine* $15 FVRCP (Feline 3-in-1) vaccine $15

DHPP (Distemper/Parvo) vaccine $15. FVRCP + FeLV vaccine $45

DHLPP (Distemper/Parvo/Lepto) vaccine $25. FeLV only vaccine $40

Bordetella (“Kennel Cough”) vaccine $15. FeLV/FIV Combo test $40

Canine Influenza (bivalent) vaccine $40

Heartworm Test $40

*Rabies vaccines will be 1 year, unless proof of prior vaccination is provided and not overdue, then the vaccine will be a 3 year.